The Old Shelter

Dieselpunk Roaring Twenties. Sarah Zama's Author Blog



Color Line and Jazz by Pavel Smutny (pdf)
A bachelor work about the history of jazz and the way it entwined with life in America, especially for those who play jazz, but also for those who enjoyed it. A social history of interpersonal relations.

Value Chain Analysis of Prohibition by Ed Petkus (pdf)
Only an introduction to a university course, but still an interesting insight into how Prohibition worked on and economic and social level.

Changing ways of life (pdf)
A very essential, schematic presentation of the 1920s. A fun way to enter the decade and get a sense for it before stepping into more in-depth material.

The Black Mafia: African American organized crime in Chicago by Robert Lombardo (pdf)
An analysis of the underworld of the Black Belt of Chicago and its connection to the political power, focusing in particular on the 1910s and 1920s. A refutation of the thesis that there was no powerful organized crime in the Black Belt in those decades.

A geneology of Gangs in Chicago by John M. Hagedorn (pdf)
An analysis of the behaviour of black gangs in the Black Belt and their relation with other ethnic gangs.

Hymie Weiss
A detailed account of the blood feud between Hymie Weiss and Al Capone at the height of Capone’s power.

Clash of Cultures
Nice site that covers all the basics of the decade. Many articles (crash-articles, not in-depth ones, but still interesting to get a feel for the era) and many photos.

Organized Crime in Chicago
What happened with the organized crime in Chicago when Prohibition went into effect. Very informative site.

Yet another site of introduction to the era, divided in area of interest and lots of link in every area on specific subjects.

History –The Roaring Twenties
Site with a lot of videos on many Twenties topics.

Prohibition Home PBS
Official site of Ken Burns’ documentary about Prohibition. Information, videos, biographies and lot of fun stuff.

Temperance and Prohibition
Page of the Ohio State University about Prohibition. Nice site of introduction to the subject organized like a book more than a site, but with a lot of external links.

On This Day in Jazz Age Music
A blog that covers historical events in jazz music on the date of the poster.

Chicago Historical Society
The site of the society offers info on the major (and more popular) historical aspects related to Chicago.


everyday life

Library of Congress – American Life Histories
During the New Deal, the Federal Writers’ Project gave work to hundreds of writers in many fields. Some of these writers collected stories from people, so to depict life as it was at that time and before. It comprises a collection of oral history that is truly stunning. Here, you can find online a part of that collection.

From sociability to spectacle: Interracial sexuality and the ideological uses of space by Elisabeth Clement (pdf)
How space was managed and lived, especially inside black-and-tan speakeasies, by mixed couple in Prohibition America.

Chicago’s Legendary South Side (pdf)
All the essential about Chicago South Side, Bronzeville.

1920s’ quickstep vs Charleston
A comparison between two of the most popular dances of the Twenties.

Driving around in New York City – 1928
Era footage of cars, streets and driving in the Twenties. Oh my!

My 1925 Ford Model T – How to Drive
Very detailed video about how to use and maintain a Model T

What Goes into a Prohibition Cocktail
One of my favourite videos about Prohibition cocktails

Make Up in the Twenties
This is a tutorial about makeup, but it contains also a lot of interesting info about cosmetics in the Twenties.



At Wanderer’s Well ~ American Indian Books
This is a collection of books of  “American Indian Subject”. It lists many titles by Native American authors, or about Native American notable people, as well as some others concerned with history and culture. It also offers an introduction to the most many authors and their works, as well as all the info to find the book.
A good starting point for anyone interested in the subject.

Atticus Finch and Southern liberalism  The New Yorker
A thought-provoking article about the character of Atticus Finch in the book To Kill a Mockingbird and the reasons behind his actions.

SAIL Newsletter (Hanta Yo)
An in-depth analysis of the book Hanta Yo and the way Lakota people is portrayed in it.

A Cicle of Remuval and Return. A Symbolic Geography of Indigenous Literature by Christopher Teuton (pdf)
A very interesting analysis of Native characters by Native authors and their dynamics inside the culture.

American Indian Silence in “House Made of Dawn” by Guillermo Bertelt (PDF)
An analysis of the symbolism and meaning of silence in the novel House Made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday as lived by the main character  expands into an analysis of silence as response in real life inside Indian cultures.

Living outside tribal line (Sherman Alexie interview)
Inverview with author Sherman Alexie. The actual interview starts at min 15:03

Winter in the Blood
Official site of the film. I love the book. I’ve been wanting to watch this film for three years now.



1920s Slang
How young people spoke in the Twenties. The “dictionary” is organised in area of interest.

Jazz Age Slang
My favourite collection of Twenties slang



Chicago’s History Timeline (pdf)
A comprehensive timeline of the history of the city, with a lot of short but hard to find info.

Mr Al Capone – Outline Bio
Short timeline of Capone’s life and carrier.

Indian Wars Timeline
A timeline account of the conflict between Indians and Newcomers, from the beginning to the Wounded Knee Massacre.

Chicago Public Libery Timeline of the City
Timeline with links to relevant pages on the net.

Chicago Timeline
Bit minimalistic, but interesting because every entry in the timeline is linked to a more in-depth article about that entry.


anything goes

Native American Identity in Popular Film, 1950-Present
A very interesting article about the image of the Indian character as given by films over half a century and the way it has evolved in response to history, culture, narrators.

“The Artist” Interview with Oscar-Winning Director
Director Michel Hazanavicius speaks about the reason behind his choice to film a silent movie and the challenges of the project. A very interesting insight for any storyteller.

The Myth of Chief Seattle by William Abruzzi (pdf)
An historical analysis of the way the very popular speech of Chief Seattle was created and written down and how likely it is to be genuine.

Encyclopedia of Chiacago
A site organised like a dictionary about every aspect of life, history and culture of the Windy City. Maintained by the Chicago History Museum.

Native Languages
A very comprehensive site about Indian different cultures. They also offer assistance with Indian languages.

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